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2022 Recap: Flipping the Model Towards More Inclusive and Diverse Clinical Research | Inato

Written by Katy Fallon | Nov 1, 2022 4:00:00 AM

In alignment with a mission to broaden clinical trial access worldwide, Inato has seen major growth across its network in 2022.  Typically, sponsors return to the same academic sites time and time again, limiting opportunities for community researchers. Yet, over the course of the year, Inato has increased their number of community sites on its platform by 120% and expanded trial access to 55 countries. This success has enabled an increase in active trials across the platform with 29 in progress as of October 2022, giving investigators the chance to choose from more opportunities and raise their hand for the trials that fit their patients’ needs.

Together, research sites and pharmaceutical sponsors have collaborated with Inato to see results and join in the efforts to improve inclusion and accessibility in clinical research. Over the year, there has been a 60% increase in the number of Inato sites chosen per trial, resulting in 400 total sites participating in research through Inato’s platform. Promising results have rolled in as these studies have taken off, showcasing the unique capabilities of Inato’s community sites.

Across all trials, these community research centers have displayed an impressive ability to accelerate the timeline of research, activating up to 3.7x faster than non-Inato sites. Their patient access and recruitment abilities have pushed trials over the finish line and allowed sponsors to meet their goals. One Alzheimer’s trial was brought to Inato with the hopes of overcoming trial delays and increasing patient enrollment. In the final two months of the trial, Inato sites were able to activate and enroll patients, ultimately enrolling 16x more patients than non-Inato sites and contributing 13% of the trial’s patients despite the limited time frame for recruitment and enrollment.

This work has broadened the reach of innovative care, giving underrepresented patient populations access to clinical trial opportunities. With diversity data on 351 verified sites, new treatments have become accessible to patients who have historically been excluded from trial recruitment. One site based in South Dakota works with a patient population that is 80% Native American or Native Alaskan. By collaborating with Inato, they’ve improved inclusion rates for a vaccine trial and, more importantly, widened the reach of the novel medication to populations that benefit the most.

A breast cancer trial launched earlier this year on Inato’s platform has also contributed to the expansion of trial access. Of the sites selected so far for the trial, 86% report a diverse population. With breast cancer disproportionately affecting Black women and breast cancer research wildly underrepresenting them in trials, it was crucial to Inato and the sponsor that this trial change that trend and prioritize the recruitment of Black participants. The majority of the research centers raising their hand to participate in this trial have access to Black-identifying populations that are more proportionally representative than the nationwide population. As trials like these are set into motion, an increase in equal research opportunities is in sight.

The collaborations between sites, sponsors, and Inato’s teams have enabled these accelerated, inclusive results and lead to the rapid expansion of Inato as seen with 100% of sponsors adding additional trials to Inato’s platform within six months of their first trial. Sites, too, have been eager to continue to be a part of Inato’s network with 91% reporting that they would be disappointed if they could no longer work with Inato. The growth in 2022 has pushed sponsors to hit their research goals, sites to receive increased opportunities, and patients to finally have the trial access they deserve.  As the year comes to a close, Inato looks forward to a promising 2023 of continuing to strive for growth, acceleration, and inclusion across clinical research.