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9 Tips for Research Sites Uncovered by Dan Sfera: Getting Max Value From Inato’s Free Trial Marketplace | Inato

Written by Laurel Uballez | Jun 1, 2023 4:00:00 AM

In May, Inato Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder, Liz Beatty sat down with Dan Sfera, The Clinical Trials Guru, to talk empowering sites and improving the way sites find and get selected for trials. Dan uncovered some great ways sites can be getting even more from Inato today, especially with recent enhancements released in May. Watch full interview now >

“On a weekly basis I'm on [Inato], me or one of my coordinators are on there... I consider myself an early adopter. I'm usually a skeptic when it comes to these kind of tech vendors, but there's always a few that are actually worth playing around with, and I have no reservations about recommending Inato... Inato is one of the best start-ups right now in this space.” – Dan Sfera

  1. Help to focus on the RIGHT trials and make informed decisions to turn down the ones that aren’t the right fit that you might have regretted later.

    “Inato’s not what you might think it is – they’re going to vet you before they present you to a sponsor. It’s very thorough… I’ve turned down 2 studies through them that I otherwise would have accepted, and probably would have regretted later. But Inato screened us so well, prepped us so well, in talking to my PI and Sub-I about it, Inato enabled us to make the decision to turn the trials down. We didn’t even know there was a lack of a stakeholder in between that should be doing this. You guys do it in such detail, but layer it on top of tech to make it relatively easy.” – Dan Sfera

  2. Advocates to ease not just selection but continued support too with Inato Site Partnership Managers.
  3. Time savings with curated key protocol components and synopsis that’s readily available at all times once your team e-signs trial CDAs.

    “You guys took a 200-page protocol and 20-page synopsis and you broke it down to the important stuff you need to know to decide if you want this [trial] or not.” – Dan Sfera

  4. Pipeline consistency from early visibility to Inato’s new “Upcoming Trials” with ability to sign up to be notified when protocols are available and option to indicate reasons for declining, eliminating any impact on future notifications.
  5. Streamline trial review and applications by “inviting team members” to the Inato platform to support respective areas.

    “I invited my coordinator Katie, she said ‘Are you sure you want this study? We had a similar one we couldn’t enroll?’ And I said great point Katie, maybe it’s best not to – thank you!” – Dan Sfera

  6. Stand out with the ability to showcase your unique diverse patient populations you’re engaged with and earn diversity medals.

    “Wow, that’s like an actual gamification of DE&I. That’s pretty cool!” – Dan Sfera

  7. Inato Site Partnership Managers bring you clear feedback from sponsors when your site’s not selected.
  8. No repeat feasibility – do it once on Inato and that’s it!
  9. Get trial and status notifications with new “weekly email digests” that make it easy to stay on top of next steps and new trials matching your interests.

    “And we are getting a lot of trials week over week… not all trials are difficult, we have vaccine trials, everything from cancer trials to immunology and neurology trials. So we have a wide variety of trials sponsors are posting with us. And as we’ve done well with these sponsors, we’re actually getting quite a few portfolios of trials now. We’re getting to a point where there may be even 6 or 7 different trials in a specific disease area for you to evaluate where you can really pick the right one for your site.” – Liz Beatty

Get more insights and a full product demo led by Liz Beatty in the full interview.

Watch the full interview now >

Learn more about what enhancements launched for sites on Inato in May 2023 now!

See what’s new >