Picture this: a site coordinator sits at his desk. He holds a 700-page patient record in one hand, a yellow highlighter in the other. An exhaustive list of inclusion and exclusion criteria sits beside him. He embarks on the lengthy process of comparing the patient chart against the trial criteria–finishing hours later with his answer.
This is the default pre-screening process for most research sites. It’s manual and time-consuming. It requires hours to assess a single patient for a single trial. It’s a major source of burden and inefficiency for many sites.
Now, Inato offers sites a much-needed alternative. We worked directly with a handful of sites and sponsors to create new pre-screening capabilities that leverage a series of artificial intelligence (AI) models to accurately, securely, and efficiently review patient records at scale. This saves sites significant time and resources, without compromising quality. Early pre-screening users reported time-savings of up to 90%, at a 95% accuracy rate.
Any research site in the United States can now use Inato to streamline patient identification and pre-screening at no cost. Here’s how it works.
1. You’ll need an Inato account to get started. If you don’t yet have one, you can sign up here. The platform is free for sites, and can also be used to find relevant trials and create strong applications for those opportunities, featuring your site’s unique experience, capabilities, and patient population.
2. In the Inato platform, select “Pre-Screening Tool” from the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Follow the onboarding steps in-product to either start pre-screening patients on an Inato trial or add a trial from ClinicalTrials.gov. Upload patient records from anywhere–whether scanned from your filing cabinet or exported from your EMR. Inato enables sites to upload multiple files associated with a single patient to ensure a comprehensive review.
4. Our platform redacts personal health information–like names, birthdays, and addresses–to de-identify the records before they are reviewed for trial opportunities. Sites can assign identifiers or pseudonyms to patient records to help ensure compliance while keeping track of which patients should move forward for screening.
5. Click the green “Pre-screen [x] patients” button in the bottom righthand corner.
6. At this point, Inato pre-screening will automatically assess the de-identified records for eligibility against all of a site’s available trials. The AI agent behind our pre-screening capabilities can determine which trials are relevant to each patient and then carefully assess the patient record against the inclusion and exclusion criteria for relevant trials. The AI can even understand and interpret doctor handwriting.

- Inato provides a brief, easily understandable summary for each patient after review. This summary includes an assessment of each criterion: whether the patient meets it or not, the rationale, and a link to the source within the patient record so site staff can verify those details or investigate further.
With recent advances in AI, Inato patient pre-screening can engage in sophisticated medical reasoning, deducing details that may not be spelled out. For example, if a trial requires patients with a history of seizures, with ten in the last six months, with no more than a month in between incidences, the platform can quickly assess whether or not a patient meets this criteria, at a 95% accuracy rate.
- A site staff member reviews the Inato summary and makes a final decision, clicking “not eligible” or “to screen.” Though AI-powered patient pre-screening significantly reduces the time and effort required to review each patient, the platform is designed to help site staff make quick, informed decisions–not replace their professional judgment.

- When future trial opportunities come in, our pre-screening capabilities can quickly assess if any of your existing patients are a fit–eliminating the need to spend hours re-reading patient records.
If you’re interested in learning more about Inato’s AI-powered patient pre-screening capabilities–or trying it for yourself–click here.