ACRP Webinar Recap: Broadening Your Approach to Global Trial Diversity
ACRP recently hosted the Broadening Your Approach to Trial Diversity on a Global Scale webinar in collaboration with Inato, bringing together unique...
ACRP recently hosted the Broadening Your Approach to Trial Diversity on a Global Scale webinar in collaboration with Inato, bringing together unique...
A look behind the scenes into the development of Inato's newest site user updates released in May, 2023.
Liz Beatty sat down with Dan Sfera, The Clinical Trials Guru, to talk empowering sites and improving the way sites find and get selected for trials.
Inato co-founders sat down for a transparent conversation with Brad Hightower to explore Inato’s mission, better understand how the platform works to...
At SCOPE 2023, four members of Inato's team presented on the advantages community-based sites bring to clinical research.
Last month, Hernandez-Aldama joined Inato’s Marketing Lead, Laurel Uballez, and Senior DE&I Growth Manager, Atira Goodwin for a conversation on...
This month, in the spirit of giving thanks, our team at Inato reached out to collaborators across our network to hear what they're grateful for.
After listening to and collaborating with our network of community research centers, we’ve created Check Your Fit as a way to inform sites on whether...
Inato Co-Founder and CEO, Kourosh Davarpanah, sat down with fellow industry leaders to address community-based solutions to the barriers disrupting...
How to dramatically accelerate clinical trials and sustain lower costs in complex and competitive environments